Real Deal Boxing Training for Life TRAINING 
John in the picture below is one of our
best Fighters he helps train the kids as
well as tutors them with their home work.
John is a Student at Cal State Northridge
and his major is Physics.
Having something to eat after weight-ins

It's suggested that athletes should maintain 8 to 12% of body fat, which will provide the necessary extra energy for the athlete.
Doing Homework Before Working-out
Esmeralda has lost over 30lbs, working out in our gym called THE DUNGEON,  way to go Esmeralda. If you would like to get in to shape you can contact us

johna@realdealboxing or call 805-844-7808

<----------------------  Plyometrics Training 
Before and  After pictures
               Building Body, Mind, Spirit           
We are dedicated to building a healthier you. Through exercising the body,
Stimulating the mind, and nurturing the spirit. That is what makes us The Real Deal. 

All our coaches are USA Boxing Certified Coaches
April 14,
All Women's Fitness Class
First Saturday morning womens class was a great success.
Al focused on streching, core strengthening and cooling off, while John focused on cardio exercises and Vicky focused on abdominal work. The women were energetic and ready to workout. Check the calendar on the website for our next class this month.
Al starting off the class with some
stretches to get the muscles warm and ready to work out.
Vicky working the class and focusing on their abs. The class did a great job and just when they thought it was over, another exercise, UGH!!
Eating before you work out, is never a great idea!
                                                                                                                                                              All classes/hours are subject to change without notice and is at the discretion of REAL DEAL BOXING Inc.
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Client Testimonial (Nicole)